How To Make Honey Peach Preserves
I like this recipe, because it makes it really easy and really delicious, I want to make it go on, on and on. Homemade Jam Recipe, Homemade Jam No Sugar, Homemade Jam Healthy, Homemade Jam, Homemade Jam Strawberry, Homemade Jam Packaging
Yield: 2 Servings
Ingredients:15-20 Peaches1/4 cup of lemon juice1-2 cups honey (depending on your taste)etcetcetc.Instructions: First of all. Start by peeling your peaches and removing the pits. And now, Then you want to chop up your peaches. I like mine chopped pretty small, so I pulse them in the food processor. You can also just dice them up by hand. Step 03, Place them in a large pot and stir in the lemon juice and honey. Original Article: https://thefreerangelife.com/honey-peach-preserves/ Rated 4/5 based on 83 Reviews