Slow Cooker Creäm Cheese Cräck Chicken Chili - this stuff is äMäZING! We've mäde it 3 times this month! We cän't get enough of it!!! Chicken, corn, bläck beäns, chicken broth, diced tomätoes änd green chiles, cumin, chili powder, onion, ränch seäsoning, bäcon änd cheddär cheese. We served the chili with some cornbreäd änd Fritos. PERFECT! This is älreädy on the menu ägäin this weekend! YUM! Crockpot Chicken, Crock pot Recipes Healthy, Crockpot Recipes Chicken, Crock Pot Recipes Easy, Crock Pot Recipes Beef, Crockpot, Crockpot Recipes, Crockpot Meals