This recipe makes a great freezer meal. Assemble the chicken according to recipe instructions, but don't bake it. Cover your pan tightly with foil and freeze. When you are ready to use it let it thaw completely and then bake at 400 degrees for 35 minutes. It's best to make the sauce fresh, when you are ready to eat. Dinner Dessert | Dinner Appetizer | Dinner Ideas | Dinner Side Dish | Dinner | Dinner Recipes
Prep time: Cook time: Total time:
Yield: 7 Servings
Ingredients: 4 large chicken breasts 2 sleeves Ritz crackers 1/4 t salt 1/8 t pepper 1/2 C milk Check below.
Step 1. Cut each chicken breast into 3 large chunks.
Next, In a small food processor grind up the ritz crackers.
After that, Pour the milk, cheese and cracker crumbs into 3 separate small pans. Toss the 1/4 t salt and 1/8 t pepper into the cracker crumbs and stir the mixture around to combine.